Logical Fallacies – Sofia Cabreja

The fallacy I chose was the Bandwagon fallacy. The term bandwagon means to support someone or something only because others are also being supportive of it or them. Bandwagon is a fallacy because it assumes that because something has a lot of support/followers, it is a good idea to also support. This fallacy is seen in the way certain arguments earn supporters, even if the argument does not make sense, people might still support it if they are influenced by the amount of people that also support the argument. 

The bandwagon fallacy is seen a lot now and days, especially because of social media and its influencers. Social media and the media in general allow people to become so easily influenced into supporting something, for example as a woman I am always seeing products on social media that a lot of other women are using and speaking positively of, and this influence has caused me to purchase the products just because a lot of other women have also purchased it.

Another example can be how teenagers often purchase sneakers just because they have seen a lot of other teenagers’ purchase/wear them as well, even if they don’t really find the sneaker attractive. This goes hand in hand with how trends work nowadays. 

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