Dear CRT Students,
First of all, I hope that you and your families are doing well and staying safe.
I was reading your article summaries and responses, and thinking how much I am looking forward to reading (or listening to!) your projects–the range of topics is broad and fascinating. Great start, everyone. Now the challenge is to figure out how to narrow down your topic to something that can be argued given your time frame, and to come up with/ revise your research question and your working conclusion/ thesis statement. Remember, if your argument states something obvious, what’s the point of writing the essay? The goal here is to select a controversial issue, pick a side and try to convince those who disagree. Feel free to email me with possible thesis statements/ conclusions.
Project drafts are due by tonight, for peer review. This week/ unit I ask that you read and comment on two of your classmates’ drafts, and compose an annotated bibliography. Both are steps that lead to the final draft of your argument project. Next week/ unit is all about self-care and essay revision–and then submitting the final draft by April 15th.
A few of you have asked for extensions to submit your drafts–so I am opening this option for everyone, but would truly appreciate it if everyone posted their draft by the end of this weekend (4/3) so that your classmates have enough time to peer review your drafts by next Friday.
PS. Post 7 is also due by tonight–let’s hear about more fallacies!
Take care,
Prof. Barnes