The fallacy I chose is a strawman. It is a kind of red herring that misleads or diverts attention away from a pertinent or significant subject. It is also where you avoid the point of an original argument when forming your counterargument and instead make up a point to attack […]
Daily Archives: April 1, 2022
A fallacy that I pick is ambiguity. Ambiguity fallacy is when someone is confused with what was being said. A word or phrase that was being misunderstood or unclear to the other person. For example, a person said to the other person that “he was hunting a deer in a […]
The fallacy I chose is “loaded question”. This fallacy is a complex question that involves a controversial assumption that can leave someone feeling guilty. An example of this would be if a women were to ask her husband if she looks fat in a dress, and the husband answering honestly […]
Dear CRT Students, First of all, I hope that you and your families are doing well and staying safe. I was reading your article summaries and responses, and thinking how much I am looking forward to reading (or listening to!) your projects–the range of topics is broad and fascinating. Great […]