Unit 5 Course Materials

Welcome to Unit 5: Financial Markets! In this unit, we will explore the different institutions and markets that make up the financial system and how that system impacts the economy and money supply. We will learn more about money and the role of banks in the economy and in business. We will also describe common ways businesses obtain financial capital (money) to fund their operations.

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Explain the three key functions of money
  • Discuss the advantages of using money versus barter
  • Discuss alternatives to traditional currency used today

In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:

1. Read this Open Educational Resource (free to access): Module 4: Financial Markets and System¹

2. Watch this video from the Federal Reserve (also embedded below) about US money & what makes money valuable:

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.


1CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL Why It Matters: Financial Markets and System. Authored by: Linda Williams and Lumen Learning. LicenseCC BY: Attribution

2Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMVT6e7LjX0