Category Archives: Student Work

Retention assignment

1) Harper one of the worker who was anxious because of the amount of work she had to do once her nice boss left. Moreover, her new boss, David, did not communicate a lot with her and didn’t help her to lower her tasks. As someone who was working in Harper’s position, could discourage, demotivate, and make me quit my job. She was additionally sad about the past when things were easier, and she started wondering about what was going to be next because things were going crazy. The most demotivating, she did not really feel valued. Reading this little story, I felt the same anxiety, stress, and more unproductive as Harper. 

2) If I were the hiring manager, I would advise David to increase a couple of things as a boss.  

Create growth opportunities: This type of retention is important because it is the investment of employers in their employees to prepare for their present and future. If Harper had grown opportunities, she could request to move to another position in the company instead of leaving the company. 

Communication openly: When team members speak to each other, it makes their minds free from any stress and anxiety. If David were speaking to Harper openly, it could lower Harper’s stress and make her forget her last boss. 

Ensure work-life balance: Harper’s job became stressful with her second boss which made her think to leave, so the boss as David must make their tasks easier. As long as the job got done, it did not matter how or where it got done. 

Provide meaningful tasks: As an advice giver, it was important for David to make their jobs meaningful and productive, so Harper could care about their jobs, and stay as long as possible. 

3) The downside of losing Harper as an employee: she was a good worker and had a lot of experience with the work she was currently doing. She also confirmed that she loved the company, and that was from her heart. Having workers like Harper, make the company grow, and losing her would pull it down because of the time, and money the company would spend on the new employee. In sum, Understanding why employees stay and treat them with respect, is one of the ways to lead the company to success.