Author Archives: Tomas Herrera

Unit 10 Assignment

  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

The fact that Harper is working more than she has to. Due to the amount of extra work she has, it is probably causing her to stress a lot, feel exhausted, and that is when a feeling of quitting comes to mind. Even worst is that Harper is doing more work for the same benefits instead of receiving a raise or some perks.

  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?

I’ll talk to David to see if we can keep Harper because she likes working for the company. We have to understand what is causing her problems. She can’t handle the amount of work, so what makes sense is to give her less amount for work and probably give her a small raise because she is a good worker and we want to keep her.

  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

Harper has been a worker for four years; we will need to look for another employee if she leaves. It is a waste of time, resources, and money mainly because this new employee has to adapt to the job. So basically, losing Harper is a downside for the company because she is a worker, mainly because she liked working and was doing a good job.


Most of the time to pick my clothing, I usually go for sportswear. I mainly like Adidas because I’m a soccer fan, and most of the teams I want a partner with Adidas. The other reason I choose Adidas is the price since out of the other brand. I found Adidas more affordable.

Adidas has been around for about 70 years, but in the last 20 years, Adidas has been a change leader in sustainability. They were the first to bring eco-innovations to the mass market, leading the industry with the first sustainability report. Adidas has one expression when it comes to sustainability “Through sport, we have the power to change lives.” since if we don’t take care of the ground we’re on, we won’t have space to play sport. Adidas has raised the bar on environmental standards at its sites, supply chains, and products.

One of Adidas’ goals, as I said before, is to protect or take care of the ground we’re on to have space to play sport. For Adidas, sustainability is a uniquely holistic initiative, from their entire supply chain network to their offices and stores to the innovative products we create for our customers. Still, there are several more ways to make an ethical, socially responsible, and sustainable business, such as organizing an in-house social responsibility team, Directing contributions, Encouraging volunteering, and collaborating with compatible organizations.

Following some examples like encouraging volunteering makes a world of difference, so reward your employees who decide to enroll and volunteer in social programs. When it comes to direct contributions, you can show social responsibility through philanthropy. Donating money or resources to local charities can make a massive difference to their daily operations, directly impacting the community in which your business is a part. Finally, Organize an in-house social responsibility team. Once you have educated your employees, you can set up an in-house social responsibility team. These employees can dedicate some of their time to crowdsourcing ideas to figure out the best way to positively impact the community.

The founder

1.The brothers were fine people, sincere and hard working. They were happy people who created a small but successful local business creating the best fast working system, but when it comes to Ray, he was ambitious. He saw an opportunity in the bothers’ industry and took advantage of it. He was selfish, but to the point that he betrayed the brothers and took the company from Him.

2.No, it was not the right choice to sell out to Ray mainly because while it seems like a good and fair deal, in the end, it was just not right. Although they took the 1.35 million dollars, the brothers still didn’t feel it was right because McDonald’s was their idea and was stolen from them. The worst part is that they had an agreement for royalties, some that were never received, and royalties worth 100 million per year.

3.The only reason the local franchisees were making money was that the system one of the brothers developed that he named “the Speedee system” would allow customers to have food in less than 30 seconds. Because of this system, they managed to sell food in the fastest way possible, making more customers come more to have a burger or fries.

4.When Ray was having trouble making money, he met Harry how told him how to make money using real estate. He would buy the land where one of the franchisees will establish and then charge a lease to that franchise.

5.It did not change my view. I think the only thing that the movie doesn’t change is McDonald’s essence. McDonald’s is still being McDonald’s. But it was interesting to know where McDonald’s was born and how it grew up.

Tomas Herrera

Hi everyone, I'm Tomas, but you can also call me Tommy if you like. My major is Computer information systems, and this will be my last semester at bmcc. A little about me is that I like video games and soccer, which I enjoy playing and watching. I was born in the US, but I was raised in Ecuador. If you need help with anything, don't be afraid of writing me an email. Here’s my BMCC email: