Our voices in one place.

  • Nonlinear journey to teaching

    In this episode, Iqra Sheik, from the OpenLab team, interviews Lucas Wissell, a secondary education major at BMCC. Lucas shares about his nonlinear journey toward his passion, and how he ended up choosing a career in education. Lucas Wissell Interview ___ Transcripts: IQRA: HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK TO THE BMCC OPENLAB STUDENT VOICES PODCAST. …

  • Why rushing?

    In this episode, Iqra Sheikh, from the Openlab team, interviews Katherine Gerasin, a psychology major at BMCC. Katherine talks about the importance of mindfulness and taking time to explore in more tangible ways different careers paths. Let’s listen to her story. Katherine Gerasin’s Interview __ Transcripts IQRA:  HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK TO THE BMCC…

  • The benefits of joining a club

    In this episode, Iqra Sheikh, from the Openlab team, interviews Riley and Keba, two engineering students and leaders of the robotics club. In this interview, they emphasize the importance of community and finding motivation in what they love. They also mention the revival of the robotics club and give advice to incoming students. Riley and…

  • Are you aligned with your intuition?

    In this episode, Iqra Sheikh, from the Openlab team, interviews Benita Batama, a communications studies major. In this interview, Benita shares about her experience in changing her academic path and the importance of taking advantage of BMCC resources. Benita Batama Interview __ Transcripts RAQUEL: WELCOME TO ANOTHER EPISODE OF BMCC OPENLAB STUDENT VOICES. I’M RAQUEL NERIS,…

  • How the environment impacts academic success

    In this episode, Iqra Sheikh interviews Derrick Privman, a multimedia programming and graphic design student. As a member of the Honors Program and part of the Dean’s list, Derrick shares how starting college in the city represented a big shift in his academic and personal life and how choosing BMCC was key for his success.…

  • Choosing something different

    In this episode, Iqra Sheikh, from the OpenLab team, interviews William Aparicio, a Liberal Arts Major, member of the Out in Two Program, the Student Government Association and the Guide Program. William Aparicio Interview Interview highlights Check out more information about organizations that William mentions in his interview: Out in Two Pro Student Government Association…

  • Finding Angels: Navigating BMCC’s Supportive Network

     In this episode, Iqra Sheikh interviews Djibrilla Hamani, a Business and Administration Major at BMCC and member of the Student Government Association and the Student Success Program. Djibrilla Hamani Interview Interview highlights Check out more information about organizations that Djibrilla mentions in his interview: Student Government Association Student Success Program Housing Options Transcripts Raquel:  WELCOME…

  • Resilience and Transformation

    In this episode, Raquel Neris interviews Alan Cata, a BMCC graduate, a member of the Out in Two Program, and a shining example of resilience and transformation. Alan Cata Interview Interview highlights Check out more information about organizations that Alan mentions in his interview: Out In Two Program UMLA Phi Tetha Kappa Honor Society National…

  • Making your way through cinema

    We are starting season two, called Making more of your college experience. In this episode, Iqra Sheik interviews Jasmine, a Liberal Arts major student and member of the Muslim Student Association. Interview transcripts Raquel:  WELCOME TO OPENLAB STUDENT VOICES, A PODCAST THAT PRESENTS INSPIRING STORIES OF BMCC STUDENTS. WE ARE STARTING SEASON TWO, CALLED MAKING MORE…

  • Creating a community as a ESL student

    Is being a ESL student a problem to create a community at BMCC? What are the programs and resources that can help? In this podcast episode, Luis Garcia, a Psychology major from Honduras, shares about how BMCC supported him in improving his English proficiency and how he managed to avoid isolation by using campus resources. Interview…

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