
The Social Science, Human Services and Criminal Justice Department offers a major in Psychology which will lead to an Associate in Arts degree. The program will enable students to transfer into Psychology programs at senior colleges. It will also prepare students for a competitive and evolving job market.

There are many opportunities in this field from working as a counselor or case manager with children or adults to conducting market research in the business world. Schools hire school psychologists; businesses use organizational psychologists for career counseling and human resources; and forensic psychologists work in the criminal justice system. A psychology background is also good preparation for a career in teaching, law or medicine. 

Choice of General or STEM Concentration 

Students majoring in Psychology can choose between the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) concentration or the General concentration. The STEM concentration, developed with the assistance of a National Science Found (NSF) grant, prepares students for careers in neuroscience or medicine.

PSY STEM Track Program Coordinator: Janice Walters, jwalters@bmcc.cuny.edu
PSY General Track Program Coordinators: Professor Daniel DePaulo, ddepaulo@bmcc.cuny.edu; Professor David Calcedo, dcaicedo@bmcc.cuny.edu