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Migration Schedule

Course migration is an automated process that moves course content from Blackboard to Brightspace, but not student records such as grades. Here is a migration schedule from CUNY, with target start and end dates for terms to be migrated:

Summer 2022: DONE
Fall 2022: DONE
Spring 2023: DONE
Summer 2023: DONE
Fall 2023: DONE
Spring 2024: DONE

You will likely find that your migrated courses need to be cleaned up and possibly reorganized. See our guidance for cleaning up your course after migration.

All Blackboard courses will remain available to faculty through Spring 2025, and at any point faculty can manually copy over courses or organizations from Blackboard to Brightspace. See our instructions for manual migration of courses.

4 thoughts on “Migration Schedule”

  1. Hi Brett, sorry for the delay in responding. Since courses will still be in Blackboard Spring ’24, you should be able to make that copy from Fall ’23 as you have before. We’ve just received the full migration calendar from CUNY, which puts target dates for copying of Spring ’24 courses from Bb to BrS between 6/15/24 and 8/25/24 (after the courses are complete).

  2. Hi Brett, once again I missed the notification and am delayed in responding — apologies. You are correct that Help and Resources migrated from Blackboard is outdated. In the time since you asked the question, we pushed a BMCC navbar to all migrated courses, and this is the navbar that courses for summer and beyond will have. For a tour of that navbar, you can see the video in this post:
    It includes BMCC Resources that line up with those previously in the Help and Resources content area. The BMCC campus homepage, in addition to having a navbar up top with BMCC and CUNY resources, has widgets for the library and academic support services.

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