BMCC is one of six CUNY campuses that comprise the first cohort of the LMS transition. All BMCC courses will be taught on Brightspace starting in Summer 2024. CUNY’s overall timeline can be found on the CUNY Brightspace website. A BMCC-specific timeline is below. The course migration timeline can be found here. Details will be added as we receive additional information from CUNY.
Fall 2023
- All courses are taught in Blackboard.
- LMS transition advisory groups are formed.
- Instructors gain access to the Brightspace environment.
- Course migration from Blackboard to Brightspace begins.
Winter/Spring 2024
- All courses are taught in Blackboard.
- CUNY-led training Brightspace training for instructors begins.
- Instructors begin to develop summer and fall courses in Brightspace.
- BMCC-led course development support sessions begin.
- BMCC-led trainings to supplement CUNY-led training begin.
- Students are provided with self-paced training resources.
Summer/Fall 2024
- All courses are taught in Brightspace.
- Students gain access to Brightspace.
- Student training continues.
- Instructor and staff training and course development continues.
- Instructors continue to have access to old courses in Blackboard, but no new courses are created.