Read Alejandro Varderi‘s homage to Alicia in this link: Or read it in a PDF: Homenaje a Alicia en el Papel Literario, suplemento del periódico El Nacional-Venezuela
By Lisa Sarti I can still hear her signature Ciao Corazon! loudly greeting me upon her arrival … her songs bringing a cheerful atmosphere to the whole department. You will be missed Alicia. You may Rest In Peace ?
By Inés Carrera-Junco Cuando yo empecé a trabajar aquí, y estábamos en el quinto piso todavía, creo que era la primavera del 2011, Alicia fue la única persona que me ayudó a tener mi primer correo electrónico y Bb. Alicia me explicó dónde ir a buscar el correo (el sótano) […]
By Victor Murillo I taught an 8 am class one semester. I was in around 7:25 am and Alicia was already there most of the time. We shared a lot of good conversations about school and current events. I enjoyed those one on one colleague’s exchanges; she shared some of […]
By Rachel Corkle Often Alicia and I were the only people in the department, it seemed, before 8am. Inevitably the copy machine was not working, but Alicia always had a secret stash of paper and some kind of magic to make everything work…or at least work just enough. She was […]
By Maria Enrico Food left in my office because she knew I don’t cook, but love to eat. A five course Venezuelan lunch for my birthday. Helping me make my online classes beautiful. Sharing our love of Nina Simone. Sneaking out for a cigarette. A knock on my classroom door […]
By Kristina Alicia was always cheerful, and she never let the stress of the job weigh her down. She was always looking to lift our spirits when in the office. She will be greatly missed.
By Xiomara Abud This is what I will always remember about Alicia: Her selfless generosity; never expecting anything in return. Her face, always portraying a beautiful smile. I loved teasing her whenever I wore pink, her favorite color. We also had discussions about the president of her country, Venezuela, and […]