Unit 3: Informative Essay/ Stories on Social Media

Why is it important to inform and to stay informed?

Unit 3 Slides

1.What are the characteristics of the genre?

2. Watch “The Science of Fake News” by Indiana University.

3. Read ““Misinformation and biases infect social media, both intentionally and accidentally” by G.L. Campaglia & F. Menczer.

4. What did we learn from the reading? Let’s create a graphic organizer together.

5. Play Fakey and contribute to Conversation 3.

6. Brainstorm interview questions, conduct interviews, analyze your data.

7. Watch + read: “Impact of Social Media on Youth” by Katanu Mbevi / TEDxYouth@BrookhouseSchool”

8. Summarizing and Paraphrasing strategies.

9. Write your Informative Essay draft 1.

10. Peer Review #2 (see questions here)

11. Discuss: How to incorporate research into your essay? Quoting, Summarizing. Paraphrasing, and MLA. Here is the classwork for 3/9. How would you revise this essay following MLA guidelines?

12. Revise your draft and submit your informative essay on Blackboard by Tuesday, March 14th.

Midterm Review Meetings

Midterm check-in

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