Jasmine Mckenzie: Conversation 3


In the article, “Misinformation and biases infect social media, both intentionally and accidentally” by Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia and Filippo Menczer, they talked about how social media can have misleading information for intentional and accidental reasons. They described three biased ways of how social media could have an effect on people. One bias was cognitive bias. They said that this affects the way people view things based on how their brain processes the information they see and how they interrupt it based on their own experiences. Another bias was society and how social groups within your social media could change what you see on social media. The final bias is social media itself and how their algorithm works. They mentioned apps like Fakey, Hoaxy and Botometer to limit false information coming from and to accounts with no liable sources, fake pages and bots that cause issues that may occur on social media.

I use social media and use it for many different things. I may use it to get information, listen to music, learn how to do something, watch videos or shows and many other things as well. At times, people may put misleading information on social media just for a reaction, to get views, or likes on what they post. This does lead into biases as people may have different opinions and views about what they see on social media and some people just believe everything they see on social media without thinking anything is wrong. People should be careful of where they are retaining information from. I always make sure to check more than one source to make sure that any information I’m getting is accurate or legit..

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