The Snapchat new feature “Spotlight” is described in the article “Snapchat Wants You to Post. It is Willing to Pay Millions” by Taylor Lorenz. It discussed the potential of the influencer career as well as the trend of social media …
Despite coming from eastern Nigeria, Chimamanda Adichie gives her perceptive viewpoint on her childhood in “The Danger of a Single Story,” which is largely based on works by American and British authors. She admits that the majority of the characters …
The author of the narrative first believed her writing skills were excellent. She never questioned her writing abilities because it was one of her favorite topics in school. The author even goes into detail about how she was a strong …
Hello, I’m Jeyslin. The name is pronounced Jay-slean, but you can call me “Jess” if you prefer. My major is nursing, and I am a first-year student at the BMCC. One main reason why I am taking this course is …