Conversation 5

  1. What Poet Ali Ali means by,  “the language of being the minority…one of the most important languages you can ever speak in your life”. Coming from my own Experience laughing, the most important and powerful language is speaking up for those who get looked over like they are invisible. It’s important to stand up for what’s right, especially when you have the power to do so. This language is a language I’m well aware of. I am the minority, my life is rooted from being a minority. I’m a Black Woman living in America, I am the minority. Yes, I’m a part of the minority, and yes, I will continue to speak up for those who might be identical to my status, but don’t have the self empowerment I have. I stand with the minority and I speak for the minority. 
  1. Ali could be taking about a number of emotions we all share as human beings with a conscious. Pain and love being the emotion that can make us or break us. Playing with those emotions, you will always take a gamble. We can’t explain what love is, but know how we want to feel. Expressing love can lead to rejection, due to why people don’t wear their hearts on their sleeve. 

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