9) According to Poet Ali, “the language of being the minority…one of the most important languages you can ever speak in your life” because in a position of power is strongly influenced by how they feel about themselves when they are excluded. (4) This is a language i can speak and i feel a strong connection with as a latino in America.
10) Towards the end of the talk, Poet Ali refers: “No matter how many books, how many seminars, how many life-coaching sessions we go to, we just can’t get enough of it.” (5) The language he’s talking about is love.
One thought on “CONVERSATION 5”
I agree Ian being a latino in America definitely allows you to understand the language of being the minority and the complexity it entails. And I agree that what Poet Ali is referring to at the end is love due to how profound love can be it can be difficult to summarize it or generalize a definition of what love is as it can have a unique definition based on who the person defining love is and the experiences they have faced throughout their life.