“Language of Being Humain”

We speak so many languages without realizing that they are considered as languages. Poet Ali is saying that if we pay more attention to discovering languages, we will find more. That connection is also a language; because the main point of language is to be understood. You can find yourself among people where you do not speak the same verbal language, but with connection, you will find out that you speak some other language they speak. All you need to do is pay more attention you will see the connection. “You know what it is like when everyone is part of something and you are not” (Poet Ali 4). Meaning that when everyone has the connection except you, you will not feel comfortable. For example, if an American goes to an African wedding and see only two people wearing white clothes and other people wearing different color of clothes, I believe he will know who the bride and groom are without anybody telling him. That is the connection and the same language we all speak. Yes, it is the same language I also speak.

Poet Ali is asking why the most common language we all speak is the language we barely consider as language. I believe he is referring to connection language. “What language do we share” (Poet Ali 5)? Meaning that what is the common language we all share. The language we all share is connection language. I would say that it is because we do not realize they are languages unless we get informed about them. For example, I did not know that connection is a language until I watched the video about it from Poet Ali.

To sum up, I believe that after verbal languages, we have sign and connection languages that we do not recognize them all. We need to accept and consider them as languages.

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