conversation 4 – Jeyslin Acosta


The term "feminist" may conjure images of someone who subjugates others in order to gain acceptance as superiors. All I see is someone attempting to transform. A supporter of feminism is someone who fights for women's rights based on gender equality. Because they were perceived as more "fragile," "weaker," "not smart enough," etc., women were for a long time always viewed less favorably than males. But in the modern world, women ought to enjoy the same rights as men. Women today deserve to be acknowledged as equals to the other genders. Adichie states, "It's a good thing that we raise girls to see each other as competitors, not for jobs or accomplishments." However, for men's attention I agree with the remark because I think that in today's world, girls learning to crave attention from men is a taught behavior. It is taught, not natural, in my opinion. Women always need to prove themselves to society and put up twice as much effort as men do in order to be acknowledged.

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