According to Taylor Lorenz in “Snapchat Wants You To Make Money. Is Willing To Pay Millions” Spotlight, the new feature of Snapchat, the social media platform, allows users to make a lot of money by posting their videos. Snapchat is trying to compete with Tiktok, a similar platform, where users can also post content. Snapchat can pay millions to users who post videos that go viral. Snapchat can change young people’s lives overnight. One example for the lives Snapchat changed is Andrea Romo who is 27 years old. Making an income of $12.50 an hour, working at Lowe’s. Andrea posted on Snapchat like any other day of her sister deep frying a turkey for thanksgiving. Learning weeks later that her video blew up bigger than she expected. Stating “ It was a big surprise that you can get money posting a video of something totally random” posting content solved a problem, she didn’t think it would be a solution. Word started getting out to young people, and it started getting out fast. It has become well known in the TikTok industry and other social media platforms. Joseph Albanese, the founder of Stir, is the person who made content monetize. That choice changed countless lives, in including even Mr. Casey and Ms. Freely, both are Snapchat successors, “ I think making a mindset is definitely a reason why a lot of high schoolers want to become social media influencers”. As the word spreads, the money pie slices are getting thinner. More competition is coming to Snapchat, so money can’t be given out carelessly. “There’s more competition, It’s harder to get views. More people are posting”, people are losing views, due to attention being pulled elsewhere. But even if Snapchat is on a grand raise, TikTok is still a platform that has the world on a hook. “ TikTok is the place to be right now, it’s where all the attention is going, all the energy is going”. Snapchat still have some work on their hands.