By Taylor Lorenz, “Snapchat Wants You To Post And Willing To Pay Millions.”Snapchat is a social media platform that makes an income for its users by posting videos that can go viral. even though, it was just a messaging app. Snapchat goal is to compete with other social media platforms such as TikTok, and Spotlight. by passing them on to more users and popularity. Many people start posting videos for money and popularity, especially younger people. many people started making thousands of dollars by just posting content even videos that were not made by themselves. most social media platforms started to compete with each other by updating their apps for getting more users and influencers that use their app by posting videos. Social media creators started to share some informations to get better as one group. Huge of of the influencers became successful and was making a great income by using social media platforms just by posting videos until an enfluencer Dominic Andre that made $600,0000 before getting another $ 100,000 had a plan to build a school to educate about social media.
I believe social media platforms are worth a full-time job because the money that is being made out of them could make a great income. As Dominic 27 made $700,000, and CJ Oper Americano 24 made $100,000.