Single story


The ted talk “The danger of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses how we should always wait for the another's person's point of view and not close ourselves which can lead to judgement and miscommunication. In the ted talk she discusses her growing up in Nigeria and attending college in the United States. She recalls an incident when her roommate had stereotyped Africa and its culture. Adichie noticed people can have untrue ideas of things without being informed or hearing another point of view. Adiche strives to spread awareness of the dangers of a single story.

I agree with Adichie's main argument of the danger of a single story. Adiche states “The consequence of the single story is this; It robs people dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.” This is a negative thing that comes with a single story, and what Adichie said made me reflect because at the end of the day we are all human and its shocking to see how without listening to the other side of the story we can get misleading facts or make assumptions of something. This relevant to nowadays because of how often false information is shown on social media. The ones influenced are the youth because they are the ones using and seeing repeatedly, making it easier for a single story.

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