Daisy Aguirre

Hello, My name is Daisy Aguirre. This is my first year as a BMCC student. I am an undeclared health major but I’m hoping to get in the nursing program . I have taken ENG 101 but I am retaking it again since its a pre-req and the nursing program is very competitive. Aside from it being a pre-req this would be a good opportunity to expand my writing and vocabulary skills . My plan for college is to get in the nursing program and become a neonatal nurse. I am a very caring person and I would love to help mothers and newborns . I was born here in  the United States raised in Queens but my parents are from Mexico.

In my free time I like relaxing and being inside with my cat . Although I like being inside, I also love going out at times and eating with my boyfriend. I am a picky person when it comes to food but always open to try new things. I love anime, anything horror and listening to music. I enjoy working out but I haven’t been as consistent like I used to.

I am looking forward this year at BMCC and this class but also very nervous. I get easily stressed but hopefully I find ways to destress.

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