The COVID-19 pandemic we’re all living through is scary and life-changing. It’s one of the hardest things we’ll remember in the future, it’s affecting so many of us at once and changing every aspect of life from the most significant: work, income, health to the mundane availability of basic products. This is a time when everything feels off-kilter, out of balance, and uncertain. Taking care of ourselves in basic terms is more important than ever at this moment because we have to really care about wash our hands, use precaution to stop the spread of coronavirus, and adapt ourselves to the new normal. My experience as a college student during COVID-19 has not been easy for me, because this is my first year experimenting with college life. My family and I experienced COVID at the beginning of the pandemic and this was not easy for us, but we always have been grateful because we have good health and GOD gives us the opportunity to continue with life.
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