It previously appeared to be that the world was imploding when the pandemic started and classes proceeded. In High School, a significant number of us didn’t graduate. The things that changed are that teachers went from present teaching to virtual making them have no connections with the students. Some teachers went without considering that large numbers of us work and need to finish our chores at home and take care of our family members. Additionally, this covid circumstance has not been useful for everybody, it is something new that we never envisioned would occur and I accept that the entire world should meet up to have the option to beat this. With the immunization, they say that all that will get back to business as usual, anyway we couldn’t say whether our enthusiastic state will do the equivalent once more.
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时间过的真快,转眼间,寒冷的冬天走了,迎来了生机勃勃的春天。 春天悄悄来了,春风给新钻出地面的小草披上了绿衣。春天悄悄来了,春天的小精灵给路边的樱花树一个深情的吻,让樱花树羞红了脸蛋。春天悄悄来了,柳树发芽啦,那芽儿欢快地生长着,嫩嫩的,绿绿的,风微微的吹着,小芽儿随着柳枝在风中摇摆,就想一个个跳动的音符,正在演奏春天的歌谣。 在我家楼下,有一个棒球场。棒球场里的树随着四季变化多端,美丽极了。 春天的树发出一棵棵嫩芽,芽宝宝在枝上好奇地望着这个世界,仿佛在想这个世界怎么有那么多新奇的东西。春天的树颜色是那么翠,翠得犹如是一块无瑕的翡翠,在阳光的照射下,闪闪发亮。春天的树在微风中摇摆着,好似在跳着优美的舞蹈,欢迎春姑娘的到来; 又好像在展示自己的嫩叶宝宝,比比谁的宝宝长得美丽。春天的树给人一种神清气爽的感觉,当你站在树中间,你就会发现,春天的树原来是那么的美,美得让你神魂颠倒;美得让你如醉如痴;美得更让你感到像是走进了仙境一般。那翠绿的嫩芽,优美的舞姿,会深深地印在你的脑海里; 会使你流连忘返。 春天来了。在温暖的阳光的照耀下,冻冰的河流在懒洋洋地舒展着身子,慢悠悠地哼着小曲,舒坦极了。春天的小河仿佛是一面光滑透明的镜子,映照着春天的美景。河水潺潺,汩汩作响,清澈见底,波平如镜,水面倒映着蓝天白云,绿树红花,还不时有鸟儿飞过。太阳高升,把万道柔光洒向小河,给小河镀上了一层金辉。微风拂过,河水泛起层层涟漪,像无数条银鱼在河面上跳跃。河岸上,柳树舒展开了嫩绿的枝条,在春风的吹拂下,就像一个个身穿绿纱裙的仙女在河边翩翩起舞,展示着她那婀娜多姿的身材。 春天真是个美丽的季节,给所有的万物给来了一个新面孔。
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话春画 蔚蓝的天空是纯净的画布 万物皆可被临摹此上 春日的阳光是神奇的画笔 尽情勾勒亦挥洒自如 天空不总是蓝的 却映衬出朵朵花瓣 花儿不总是开的 却拥抱着缕缕阳光 盛放的花 敞开的天 充满希望的我们 皆因此刻是春天