ECE 312 Course Description & Academic Artifact

ECE 312 – Focused Curriculum Plan – Guirguis(1).editedCurriculum for Young Children II

Course Description:

This course is a continuation of ECE 211, focusing on the theories, methods, and materials of curriculum planning in early childhood education (preschool to second grade). The emphasis in this course is on providing developmentally and culturally appropriate learning environments and experiences that encourage foundational social scientific, mathematic and scientific thinking and skills in young children. The following topics are explored in-depth: social studies as a lens by which young children can explore our diverse ethnocultural society and its place in it; the use of materials and play-based techniques to facilitate ways of constructing everyday mathematical ideas; the creation of environments and experiences that stimulate children’s scientific curiosity and playful exploration of our natural and human-made world; the use of block/construction and cooking experiences for the integration of social studies, mathematics, science, literacy, and the arts. Course work includes workshops in planning and implementing inquiry/play-based experiences for young children.

My ECE 312 Capstone

ECE 312 - Focused Curriculum Plan - Guirguis(1).edited

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