Welcome Students

Hello Beautiful Students,

Welcome to VAT 100. My name is Lorraine Singletary and I will be your Professor for VAT 100 Introduction to Video Technology. Our first class is Wednesday 7/5/23 at 10:00 am in room S533M (BMCC’s Main Building at 199 Chambers Street.  Please familiarize yourself with the website and click on the “Ask me anything” link if you have any questions.

All class lessons and readings can be found on this Openlab site and will be updated as the lesson is taught. All workshops will be done in class. However, you will be directed to the Blackboard platform to submit assignments. Your grades will be posted on Blackboard in the grade center. Be sure to review your progress during the course.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Best regards,

Professor Lorraine Singletary

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