Quiz 2 Study Guide


Pickup Pattern – the zone within which a microphone can hear well.

Most microphones used in video production are either omnidirectional or unidirectional.

Omnidirectional – Mic hears well from all directions.

Directional – Hears well from one direction, the front.

The most common directional pattern is a cardioid microphone pattern. Cardioid pattern

mics capture sound in the shape of a small heart-shaped circle in front of the mic.

Microphones are made in different ways.

A Dynamic Mic – Rugged, can withstand rough handling.

A Condenser Mic – More sensitive, needs power/phantom power.

Ribbon – high quality, very sensitive, not used in film production that much

Different Mics



Boom microphone (shotgun mic) : Major advantage is that you can get good sound pickup while keeping the microphone out of the shot. Because it’s further away from

talent, usually a hypercardioid or supercardioid mic is used.

An audio mixer – Amplifies weak signals, and mix two or more sources.

XLR– Commonly used three-wire audio cable for professional microphones and camcorders.

Interior and Exterior Lighting (Chapter 8)

Types of Light

Directional Light: Precise beam that causes shadows.

Diffused Light: Soft light, its beam spreads out quickly and illuminates a large area.

Color Temperature

The standard by which we measure the relative reddishness or bluishness of

white light is called color temperature. Color temperature is used to describe the color quality of the light.

Color Temperature Standard

5,600K Daylight – outdoors, bluish light

3,200K Indoor – warmer more reddish light

High Key Lighting – Brightly lit frame with soft lighting,

minimal shadows, and low contrast.

Low Key Lighting – Accentuates shadows, high contrast, and dark tones. 

3-Point Lighting (triangle lighting)

Key light – Primary light source. Illuminates subject.

Fill light – Fills in shadows from key.

Back light – Separates subject from the background.

Adjusting the color temperature.

Color Correcting Gels: Used to convert the color balance of a light.

If your light is cooler than you want, use a CTO (Color Temperature Orange)

If your light is warmer than you want, use a CTB (Color Temperature Blue)

The Production Process Filming (Chapter 1, 17)

Shot List

A shot list is a document that maps out everything that will happen in a scene of a film, or video, by describing each shot within that film or video. It serves as a kind of checklist, providing the project with a sense of direction and preparedness for the film crew.


Performance blocking, or stage blocking, or actor blocking, refers to how one or more actors move around the space during a production. 


Generally speaking, the continuity system aims to present a scene so that theediting is “invisible” (not consciously noticed by the viewer) and the viewer is never distracted by awkward jumps between shots or by any confusion about the spatial lay-out of the scene. Classical editing achieves a “smooth” and “seamless” style of NARRATION, both because of its conventionality (it is “invisible” in part because we are so used to it) and because it employs a number of powerful techniques designed to maximize a sense of spatial and temporal continuity


A filming technique where the camera must stay on only one side of the actions and objects in a scene. An invisible line, known as the 180 DEGREE LINE or AXIS OF ACTION, runs through the space of the scene. The camera can shoot from any position within one side of that line, but it may never cross it.

Screen Direction

Screen direction is a key component of continuity.

Maintaining a cohesive sense of direction is important to the clarity of a scene and for preserving the continuity of motion. Screen direction, also known as camera direction, is the direction that characters and objects move in the scene in relation to the frame.


If a character is walking from camera left to right in one shot, then from right to left in the very next shot within a scene in the same location, the result is jarring and confusing to the viewer. Camera left and right should remain consistent within a scene, unless the intent is to confuse or disorient.


Shots needed to cover everything happening in the scene consisting of getting shots that will cut together smoothly, and getting the right shots for the scene to work.

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