History of Films/Cameras
Early on 1800’s there were only stills/pictures. Eastman Kodak developed the first celluloid film. However, there were no motion film or movies.
In the 1870’s Eadweard Muybridge experimented with moving images / motion (horse legs in motion).
Persistence Of Vision
Persistence of vision is the optical phenomenon where the illusion of motion is created because the brain interprets multiple still images as one. When multiple images appear in fast enough succession, the brain blends them into a single, persistent, moving image.
Thomas Edison and William Kennedy Dickson invented the first early motion picture camera.
How do cameras work?
Video cameras transduce (translate) the optical image that the lens sees into a video picture. Essentially, the camera converts the optical image into electrical signals that’s read by a television receiver.
How does this occur?
Light that bounces off an object passes through the lens, that light is turned into an electrical charge that hits the camera’s video sensor. This results in the camera’s video image.
How are video images formed?
The basic video image is composed of many tiny dots called pixels (picture elements). They are arranged in a stack of vertical and horizontal lines.
To produce the image the pixels have a mixture of primary colors called RGB (red, green, blue).
Pixels are scanned when they receive an electrical charge. The scanning cycle is either “progressive or interlaced.”
Progressive scanning: Pixels are scanned from left to right from the top to the bottom completing a video image.
Interlaced scanning: Pixels are scanned by every other line (skips a line), reading only the odd numbers. The next scan reads the even numbers and a complete picture is produced.
In video or digital photography, the resolution is the ability of a video or digital camera to record details, such as the number of pixels and their size.