Author: Janee K Mills Jones
Mentor: Sheldon Applewhite PhD.
Institution: BMCC
Janee Jones CSRP Research Poster ver2Author: Janee K Mills Jones
Mentor: Sheldon Applewhite PhD.
Institution: BMCC
Janee Jones CSRP Research Poster ver2Author: Oneil Mahoney
Mentor: Jose Fernandez Romero
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Contact Mentor
Author: Alexandre St-Cyr
Mentor: Dr. Katherine Conway
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: COVID-19 has impacted the U.S. economy, changing work habits, shopping patterns, and tourism. The resulting impact on residential and commercial real estate is not yet fully known. The largest private …
Author: Mary Lee, Jason Chan, Cherylann Jackson-Holmes, Renzo Marmolejo
Mentor: Zoya Vinokur
Institution: NYCCT
Abstract: Radiological Technology students are well into a full year of distance learning. The Juniors are utilizing a hybrid mode, where they continue to have laboratory …
Author: Sumya Hoque
Mentor: Dr. Mohammad Azhar
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: COVID-19 is setting our mental health at risk since it has been proven stressful for plenty of people, specifically seniors citizens. Fear and anxiety about a new disease or death …
BMCC’s OpenLab is an online platform where the College’s students, faculty and staff can come together to learn, work, play and share ideas.
BMCC’s OpenLab is an online platform where the College’s students, faculty and staff can come together to learn, work, play and share ideas.