Name: Kathie Alli
Mentor: David Caicedo
Abstract: Cannot be displayed for publication purposes
Name: Kathie Alli
Mentor: David Caicedo
Abstract: Cannot be displayed for publication purposes
Author: Shannon Brown
Mentor: Dr. Joanna I. Giza
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Everything we remember is encoded as plastic changes at small protrusions called spines, located on the dendritic branches of nerve cells. A molecule implicated in governing these changes, brain-derived …
Name: Brian Zhang
Mentor: Marjan Persuh
Abstract: The phenomenon of change blindness suggests that visual experience is sparse and limited by attention and working memory capacity. Iconic memory experiments, however, suggest that our visual experience is rich and that we …
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BMCC’s OpenLab is an online platform where the College’s students, faculty and staff can come together to learn, work, play and share ideas.