The Effect of Triclosan on the Development of Lytechinus variegatus Embryos

Name: Nadjet Cornejal, Altrim Mamuti

Mentor: Lalitha Jayant

Abstract: This project aims at investigating the effects of triclosan on the development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus embryos. Gametes of L. variegatus were extracted from spawned adult urchins using potassium chloride (KCl) and in vitro fertilization was
carefully performed. Fertilized gametes were treated with triclosan at nominal concentrations (1, 5, 10, and 20 µM) allowing for embryogenesis to take place. Viability and development of embryos were analyzed using a light microscope. Embryos were counted
using a hand drawn grid. Results indicate that embryos exposed to high triclosan concentrations (>5 µM) displayed low viability and arrested development at early stages of embryogenesis. Results of this project suggest that higher concentrations of triclosan might have potential deleterious effects on embryonic development of L. variegatus. Future results will focus on studying the exact cause of the abnormal development of these embryos at high concentrations of triclosan. Effect of triclosan on the rate of fertilization will also be looked into.

