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Week 2: Content on the OpenLab


Learning Outcomes

During week 2, you will:

  • understand the function of the dashboard and how to access it
  • choose an organizing principle for the course website
  • explain how categories and menus can be used to organize site content
  • use pages and posts to add content to your site
  • consider copyright and fair use when making decisions about materials included on your course website
  • use and attribute images according to ethical and legal principles

Preparation for Tuesday, June 13

  • Share your Course Site Hopes and Dreams worksheet with Team Open
    By Sunday, June 11, upload the worksheet you completed last week to our Dropbox folder so that the guide for your group has time to review it before Tuesday’s meeting.
  • Create a conceptual sketch of your course website
    Using the OpenLab Course Site Hopes and Dreams Worksheet that you already completed as a guide, create a conceptual sketch of your site. You can do this using the software of your choice, or you can draw it by hand.
  • Share your conceptual sketch with Team Open
    By Monday, June 12, upload your sketch as a file in our community profile (instructions).
    – If you drew your sketch by hand, use your phone to take a picture to upload.
    – Name your file “Site Sketch <Firstname> <Lastname>” before you upload it so that it’s easy to know who it belongs to.
    – Add a few sentences about your vision for your course sketch under “description.”

Agenda for Tuesday, June 13

  • OpenLab and the LMS
  • Course sketches
  • Starting your site: pages and posts
  • Cohort conversations: start work on your sites
  • Wrap up/what’s next
  • “Compassion” by Miller Williams

Preparation for Thursday, June 15

  • Add content to a unit on your course website and bring back questions, snafus, etc on Thursday
  • Think about the organization of your class website and jot down notes: Is the site as currently set up consistent with your vision for how to organize your course? How might you spark joy on the site? Are there things you would like to change or add to the menus?
  • Respond to this reflection prompt.

Agenda for Thursday, June 15

  • Thinking about openness and content
  • Review of/questions about pages and posts
  • WordPress: Working with menus on your course website
  • Cohorts: Continue working on your sites
  • Wrap up/what’s next?
  • “the Tiger” by Nael