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Week 1: Overview of the OpenLab and Asset-Based Pedagogy


Learning Outcomes

During week 1, you will:

  • develop familiarity with features and affordances of OpenLab websites
  • navigate between the course profile and course website and explain what can be done in each space
  • identify current and possible applications of asset-based pedagogies in your courses

Preparation for Tuesday, June 6

Agenda for Tuesday, June 6

Preparation for Thursday, June 8

Agenda for Thursday, June 8

  • Review of preparatory activities
  • Cohort conversations
    – What inspired you about the sites that you saw?
    – What features would you like to include for your courses?
    – What are your hopes and dreams for your site?
  • Wrap-up and activities to complete before next session
  • “Fire” by Judy Brown