Learning Outcomes
During week 3, you will:
- describe the affordances and constraints of the primary ways of interacting on the OL (course profile discussions, comments on posts, creating posts)
- design activities that build community on your OpenLab course website and/or profile
- design activities that engage students as knowledge creators on your OpenLab course website
Preparation for Tuesday, June 20
- Read about learner-focused syllabi and reflect on learner-centered practices in your course.
- Share your #4wordpedagogy by creating a post on our community website.
All members of our community are “authors” on our site, which means that you can write and publish blog posts. For this activity, we invite you to share your teaching philosophy as a #4WordPedagogy (e.g., “Who’s missing? Teach that” or “Start by trusting students” or “Teach less, but deeply”).
Go to the dashboard of this site and create a new post. (Note: You’ll need to be logged in to the OpenLab to see the plus sign for adding a post in the black menu bar at the top of this page.) In the post you create, share your #4WordPedagogy and a few sentences about it. Before you publish, be sure to assign the category #4WordPedagogy to your post. You can view your colleagues’ #4WordPedagogy here or access them through in the site menu above. - Continue working on your course units and making changes to the menu structure, if applicable. By Tuesday, we would like you to have the following completed on your site:
- Intstructor page
- Welcome Announcement
- Content for one or more units
Agenda for Tuesday, June 20
- Special guest: Ewa Barnes
- Cohorts: What would you like students to do on your course site? Will there be activities/interaction?
- Should students create accounts on the OpenLab?
- Thinking about privacy
- “Small Kindnesses” by Danusha Laméris and the poem created by 1300 teenagers riffing
Preparation for Thursday, June 22
- Select one of the activities from your hopes & dreams worksheet and jot down some notes about the following questions. Bring your notes to our session on Thursday, where you will discuss the activity with your cohort.
- What is the purpose of the activity (e.g., community building, related to a course learning outcome, etc.)?
- What will students do?
- Where on the OpenLab will the activity take place and why?
- Will the activity be graded?
- Continue building out your course site.
- Complete activity from Tuesday’s session if haven’t yet: Read about learner-focused syllabi and reflect on learner-centered practices in your course.
Agenda for Thursday, June 22
- Special guest: Jen Longley
- Cohort conversations
- “We Are of a Tribe” by Alberto Ríos