Mark your calendars

The Modern Languages Department Annual Film Colloquium is happening October 17-18. Attend any of the showings, write a 100-word review of what you saw and your opinion of the movie (can be in English, but must be in your own words), and get extra credit! Email your reviews to me at by the end of October.


XXIV Modern Language Colloquium

October 17th 2022

Lo que no se ve ni se oye
Monday | October 17, 2022 | 9:30 am-10:30 am | Theatre 2
Wadjda | وجدة
Monday | October 17, 2022 | 11:00 am-1:00 pm | Theatre 2
Bande de filles | Girlhood
Monday | October 17, 2022 | 2:00 pm-4:00 pm | Theatre 2

October 18 2022

Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines
Tuesday | October 18, 2022 | 9:10 am-10:50 am | Theatre 2
Tuesday | October 18, 2022 | 11:00 pm-13:10 pm | Theatre 2
Not One Less | 一个都不能少 | Yīgè dōu bùnéng shǎo
Tuesday | October 18, 2022 | 2:00 pm-4:10 pm | Theatre 2

Primer anuncio

¡Buenos días, clase! Aquí tienen el primer anuncio del semestre.

I will use announcements for course changes, cultural events, university info not entirely specific to our class, and anything that needs extra attention. Ideally you should have gotten a notification about this announcement to your email. If you did not, we can change your account settings so you do get the notifications.

Our first homework assignment is live! It can be found under “Unidad 1” and also “Tareas (submit)”. Go ahead and try to complete it by leaving a comment on the post. We’ll see how it went in class on Tuesday!
