Leave a reply with your final project here. You can upload an attachment or drop a link. For a description of the final project, see the page linked here. Remember that you should upload a written report (no more than one page double-spaced) that summarizes your in-class presentation and incorporates feedback […]
Tareas (Submit)
Describe lo que tienes en la agenda para esta semana. Incluye los días y las horas cuanto más posible.Describe what is on your calendar for this week. Include days and times as much as possible. You should answer the following questions: ¿Cuándo tienes clase? ¿Cuándo vas a trabajar?¿Tienes planes para […]
Nueva York necesita un nuevo alcalde! Describe who you think would be the ideal candidate to govern our city.Think of the personality traits you would desire in a city mayor (alcalde). What is a good age? Where should they live? What other experience and qualifications are necessary? You may use […]
Please register for our upcoming Zoom panel, “Language, Power, and Hegemony” on April 25, from 12-1:30 pm. This is during our class time, but please register individually! Tell your friends to join, too! Eventbrite Registration – Click here Then take this survey. Finally, upload your midterm project as a comment […]
Describe your ideal house/apartment/home. You should be as descriptive as posible, and at a minimum answer the following questions: ¿Cuántos cuartos hay?¿Dónde queda? ¿En la ciudad, en el campo, en la playa?¿Es grande o pequeño/a? ¿Moderno/a o clásico/a?¿Hay una cocina? ¿Quién prepara la comida?¿Hay un televisor? ¿Qué miran en la […]
Ver este TED Talk sobre el Spanglish:Spanglish is a Language Too! | Alondra Posada | TEDxYouth@UrsulineAcademy – YouTube Write a reflection of approximately 200 words on ONE of the following topics: OPTION 1: Where do you see Spanglish in your daily life and in your community? How and when is […]
Research a famous Latinx person from the list below. Give their nationality, profession and a description of their physical traits, but do not give their name.Options : Buika, Daymé Arocena, Apache, Cimafunk, Ozuma, Calle 13 (Residente y Visitante), Sonia Sotomayor, Isabel Allende, Leonel Messi, Carlos Valderrama, Shakira, Ruben Blades, José […]
Parte I: Tell us your name and a nationality you identify with. Do the same thing for two other people you know, such as a family member, best friend, or famous person you admire. You will answer the following questions:(about yourself) ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde eres? ¿Cuál es tu […]
Please post here the YouTube link to your video and the text you speak in it that will count as your final project for the semester. For a description of this project, please see:Midterm and Final