La persona ideal

Nueva York necesita un nuevo alcalde! Describe who you think would be the ideal candidate to govern our city.
Think of the personality traits you would desire in a city mayor (alcalde). What is a good age? Where should they live? What other experience and qualifications are necessary? 

You may use the following phrasesto create your description:
– La persona ideal para ser alcalde ES… (list character traits, place of origin, other adjectives)
– TIENE … (list age range, titles/degrees, years of experience)
– VIVE … (where do they live)
– PROMETE… (what do the promise)
– TRABAJA PARA… (what do they work for)

Some extra vocabulary you might find useful:
mejorar – to improve
proteger – to protect
eliminar – to eliminate
expandir – to expand
comprender – to understand
el sistema de transporte público – public transit system
el metro – the subway
los derechos (de) – the rights (of)
el barrio – the neighborhood
la seguridad – safety
la educación pública – public education

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