I am enjoying your Introduction Speech outlines. For the most part you are doing a great job of choosing a concise story to tell with a clear beginning, middle and end.
Remember, outlines are required for every speech so please submit your outlines ASAP so I can offer feedback to make sure you are on the right track.
Take a moment to watch the check in video I made for you.
A few notes:
– Resist the urge to begin with “Hey everyone”, “Hey guys”, … this is a little to casual. Feel free to take a moment to say hello to your classmates and check in, but then take a moment, ground your energy, and jump into your speech with confidence, “My name is Christina and I love to sing”
– Try choosing one story to tell that allows for detail and more in depth incite into your journey rather than trying to tell us everything. For instance, if you are pursuing nursing tell us the story of why and what your goals are rather than you want to be a nurse, you love hip hop, and your 23 from Brooklyn. Listing things makes it difficult for you to remember your key points and hard for us to follow your thought process. See if you can open up and really let us in. This will help you connect to your audience and allows us to get to know you and better support you.
Next Up:
Week 6: Prepare-Share-Prepare Again Practice sharing your voice, your personality and your story. Record yourself, watch, listen, learn and try again. You will perform the way you practice, so practice well.
Introduction Speech Presentations (1-2min)
Please Read
Chapter 11 “Speaking with Confidence” Pg. 5-10
Chapter 12 “Delivering Your Speech” Pg. 1-9
Discussion Board
Post your Introduction Speech link and revised outline in the body of the post. Watch and respond to at least 2 classmate’s speeches with feedback, 2 pros and a grow.
Be sure to dress to support your personality, your story and your message. Wear something that makes you feel your best.
See below for a couple of great Introduction Speeches from my previous students.
Have Fun,
Prof. Christina