The 4-1-1

Organization-Preparation-Presentation Week 4

Happy Monday,

I hope you had a nice weekend. You all made some comprehensive self analysis by identifying 3 public speaking skills you feel you have in place and 3 skills you want to improve. Whether you shared via video or in writing setting goals and being strategic about what you want to focus on will help you as we move toward our first formal speech.

Please note that this week completes PHASE 1 of the course. ALL PHASE 1 Assignments must be submitted by Sunday 9/26 at 12 midnight. This means Quizzes 1-4 and Discussion Boards 1-4. Let’s get caught up so you can move forward with a solid foundation to support your progress as we prepare for our first speech.

Be sure you are taking time to support one another by responding to at least 2 of your peers posts with 2 pro’s (specific things they did well) and a grow (one specific thing that would help them improve). This is part of your Discussion Board grade.

For this week…

Week 4 Organization-Preparation=Presentation  By using story telling strategies you can create a clear message that will allow you to have an effective conversation with any audience, large or small.

Please Read

Ch. 4 “Listening Effectively” Pg. 1-7

Ch 6 “Critical Thinking & Reasoning” Pg. 1-6

Please Complete

Quiz 4

Please Watch

Organization-Prep-Presentation Video

Discussion Board

Watch Sample speeches on YouTube or other media. You might look at the type of speeches you will be asked to give and start with looking at examples of those types of speeches, Introduction, Special Occasion, How To, Informative, Persuasive. Post a link to one speech that you feel is effective and one speech that is not. Why? What skills would you like to incorporate into your speeches? Respond to at least 2 classmates speech links as to why you agree or disagree with their assessment. (3 Points)

Have a great week,

Prof. Christina