Happy Monday,
I am enjoying your Intro videos and breathing techniques. If you have not submitted your Week 1 Quiz and Discussion Board please do so ASAP.
A few quick clarifications.
1- Assignments (Quizzes and Discussion Boards) are due on Sundays at 12 Midnight
2- ALL assignments need to be submitted via Blackboard, that is how I grade your work and allows you to see what you have completed and what you have not.
3- In general, my working hours are M-F 10a-6p, As such, please direct general questions to my BMCC email, M-F I will respond within 24 hours. If you send an email late Friday afternoon, you may not hear from me until Monday. Please reserve text messages for emergencies and be mindful of the time.
Please do your best to plan ahead, create a schedule for yourself and also set boundaries. Your ability to have time for yourself to rest and rejuvinate is vital to you being able to give your best effort and get the most from the course. If you need help with this, please reach out, we will make a plan.
4- If you are having challenges accessing your BMCC email please reach out to E-Learning ASAP
199 Chambers St, Room S-510a
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1243
Email: elearning@bmcc.cuny.edu
Up next…
Week 2 Mon 2/8- Sun 9/12 Pace-Pitch-Projection The human ear responds to melody, see how you can command attention by strategically varying the way you color words and alter speed and volume.
Please Read
Ch. 1 “Introduction to Public Speaking” Pg. 1-6
Please Watch
Pace-Pitch-Projection Video
Please Complete
Quiz 2
DB2: Record and post your personalized 1-2-minute warm up routine based on techniques introduced, routines should include at least a breath, physical, voice and energizer activity. That’s 4 total!!!
Let’s make this a great week.
Prof. Christina