H.W due 2/13

Founding Fathers of Sociology

Emile Durkheim contributed to the field of sociology by understanding all forms of society such as the functions religions performed. Max Weber contributed to the field of sociology by fully comprehending behavior. He learned the meanings people attach to their actions. Karl Marx had theoretical similarities with Durkheim and Weber. All three had an interest in the reality of everyday life. He studied the influence of an individuals place in society. He examined industrial societies as well.


  1. Taniyah Gray

    Karl Marx (1818-1883), Max Weber (1864-1920), Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) contributed to build the base of sociological knowledge which is popularly known as classic sociological theory. Their involvement with social changes and transformation from mid-nineteen to early twentieth century grasp the core
    issues of human existence and development. In the time span of emerging modern social theory the influential and leading contribution came from these three thinkers. That is not the only point why a comparative discussion among Marx, Weber and Durkheim is needed, but also the common ground they
    have chosen to develop their theories needs to be acknowledged. They discussed about human history, society, politics, economics and culture in an interconnected manner. They show and reveal this connection of individual and society which becomes the interior of practicing sociology. Hence, reading
    about the founding fathers of sociology Marx, Weber and Durkheim is necessary to acquiring knowledge about social theories and apply them in social problems . Furthermore the contradictions and conversation among them regarding human world and social changes allow us to examine any sociological issue with a critical viewpoint.

  2. Cristal Garcia

    Summarize the contributions of Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx to the field of sociology. Be sure to note any theoretical differences they may have had with one another.

    Emile Durkheim – Structural-Functional

    Emile was interested in studying the social factors that affect why things work as they do. He studied the social ties of suicides rate might be explained by religion. Durkheim gathered a large amount of data about Europeans who have to end their lives and he did indeed find differences based on religion. Durkheim developed the theories of sociology of morals that included functionalism, the division of labor, and anomie. Functionalism sees society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individual in society.

    Karl Marx – Conflict theory

    Conflict theory looks at society as a competition for limited resources. Karl Marx who saw society as being made up of individuals in different social class who must compete for social, material, and political resources like food, housing, and more. He believes that cultural and ethnic conflicts led to the state being identified and defined by a dominant group that had power over another group. In other words, Marx’s theories are of economic sociology that ruling ideas are imposed on the lower classes and that each class has its own ideology.

    Max Weber – Symbolic theory

    Max Weber saw sociology as a comprehensive science of social action. He studies mostly focus on the subjective meaning that humans attach to their actions and their interactions within specific social contexts. As so, Weber describes symbolic interactionism as a micro-level theory that focuses on the relationship among individuals within a society. Lastly, Weber’s main focus was on the sociology of actions.