It seems like all the major films this year were sequels, remakes or reboots. Some of the films were overt about it, and others just went full sequel in spirit. If you dig deep enough, I’m sure you could find similarities for just about every film in something made previously, but these seemed particularly similar in important ways. That is not necessarily a bad thing, just a curious one. I can’t remember a year with such stark homages. Some of the films used the inspiration to create something new and exciting. Others not so much.
I want to be clear here, these are my reactions to the films. With the exception of Tar being doggie doo doo, I’m hoping others will share their reactions. Sometimes, it allows a thoughtful viewer to see something they didn’t the first go round, sometimes it allows said viewer to reevaluate the film, and others, it reaffirms their original reaction.
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