I believe i have found the notes on the pitch.  Midnight Cowboy set in a small Irish village? No, ok Abbott and Costello where Costello develops a pathological hatred for Abbott.  OK here it is… the Odd Couple  Irish style.  You can’t fault the acting, but the story feels forced upon them so that the filmmaker can claim some award for dreadful originality.  The story that interested me was that of the sister, which remains unexplored.

One comment

  1. Andy Parratt

    Black comedy but there is a fine line. The casual treatment of abuse of the policeman’s son by his father and his stereotyping as the village idiot left me sad and annoyed. The way his death appeared for a nano-second seemed derisory. I know it was a comment on the times but frankly I could give a crap about the two idiots in the lead roles. I felt sorry for the you kid and the donkey and thought the sister’s character was wasted. Overall, lots of black (carelessly treated) and precious little comedy.

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