Well a national reboot of Judgement at Nuremberg but also has a a feeling of Marshall.  For the young folks you could say it probably feels like a better version of the trail of the chicago seven.  doesn’t matter its a hollywood style filmmaking at its best, just happened to be made in Argentina.  it has that feeling of a great, important hollywood film in a good way – superb performances thoughtfully plotted, engaging… and given most Americans grasp of world history it even be a bit of a thriller for most Americans…


  1. Love this film! Although it might not be for everybody. I certainly would not expect my high school film students to be into it. Political and social justice stories based in history are probably my favorite genre of films.

    That said, if you ever have time to make a list of your favorites in this genre please email them to me. Hoping there’s something I have not seen six times.

      1. Really enjoyed hanging out today, and as I am hopelessly looking for something to watch near midnight I recalled this thread. Loved three days of the Condor and the Manchurian candidate (even the remake). Seen Each over six times. I’m too stoned right now for Z with subtitles. Might give seven days in May A shot. Trailer looked good but of course dated.

        Thanks dude!
        Hope you continue these film threads. Keep me updated.

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