Study Tips

This class requires a lot of work on your own to learn vocabulary, practice speaking, and feel comfortable with the grammar. Here are some ideas on what you can do EVERY DAY to feel most prepared for class and more fluent in Portuguese:

  1. Study from the materials posted for each unit. They will complement the textbook.
  2. Take notes! From the online study materials, from class, from any video you watch. Then organize your notes. Use colors and highlighting. Re-write them so that the most important ideas stand out.
  3. Make flash cards with high-frequency words, irregular verbs, and words you have trouble remembering.
  4. Listen to music. Look up the words and sing along, even if you do not understand every word.
  5. Talk to your friends, neighbors, or community members. We are lucky to live in a city with a large Portuguese-speaking population, and even a few words goes a long way.
  6. Try to write and/or say 2-3 sentences about your day in Portuguese. Name the things you see as you go about doing other tasks.
  7. Use a free app like Duolingo, Babbel, or Mango Languages. These will not teach you a language, but they give you easy exercises to click through and keep the words fresh in your brain. Note, you should not have to pay for any of these (unless you really want to).