Type your letter to future students ( in Portuguese!) in a comment below.
Muito obrigada por todo o trabalho este semestre!
O português pelo mundo
Type your letter to future students ( in Portuguese!) in a comment below.
Muito obrigada por todo o trabalho este semestre!
Please upload here a LINK* to your cultural event presentation.
Please note that this should be a curated piece, using any platform you wish (GoogleSlides, Prezi, Padlet, podcast, YouTube video, TikTok, etc) but it should be one overall work.
i.e. Do not upload a string of separate text / photos / videos
*PowerPoint can be uploaded directly to OpenLab, I believe, and would not be a link.
REGISTER NOW for our next semester class: PRT106 ELEMENTARY PORTUGUESE II
Class hours: Tues/Thurs, 10:00 – 11:40 am
Lab hour: Thurs, 12-12:50 pm
I can’t wait to work with you again in the fall!
Vamos que vamos!!
Leave your reactions to the lecture below. You can comment something you learned. You can also answer the questions you posed on the last homework blog (from April 15).
Write 2 questions you have for Professor Eisenmann based on his video you watched. The questions should extend or clarify themes you learned about in this lecture:
Please check this list of scholarships available at BMCC and apply today!
In particular see the BMCC Foundation, INC grants, deadline April 21st!
I am more than happy to write letters of recommendation for anyone’s application. Boa sorte!
African Territoriality & the Politics of Cultural Heritage in Brazil |
Thursday, April 11, 5 PM Room 9205, The Graduate Center, CUNY 365 Fifth Ave, Manhattan (x 34th St) |
From the 1980s onward, leaders of the Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé successfully adapted federal and state cultural heritage laws to protect historic temples and gain select land use rights as part of the (re)construction of a multiracial Brazilian democracy. State technicians and anthropologists in dialogue with religious leaders defined African territoriality in Brazilian cultural heritage policies through sometimes conflicting principles of race, gender, and history. Black priestesses were fundamental to this process, leading their communities toward greater public respect, representation, and protection through political negotiation. This talk draws on historical and ethnographic research to argue that the adaptation of cultural heritage status to historic temples defined Black women’s leadership as a central feature of African heritage in Brazil, while leaving the widespread issues of land insecurity and religious and environmental racism unexamined. The Candomblé religion depends on healthy and sustainable material relationships to the land and community. Religious racism, land speculation, economic precarity, and environmental destruction continue to marginalize Candomblé temples and their leaders in Brazil despite nominal celebration by the state. |
Moderator: John Collins, Queens College, CUNY |
TO REGISTER, send e-mail bildner@gc.cuny.edu |
Post here your microstory based on Orfeu Negro. Remember the following:
– you can elaborate on a scene from the movie, rewrite from a different point of view, or write an extension of the movie (Orfeu in NYC, for example)
– narrate in PRESENT TENSE only (nothing about what happened before, or what could/would happen coming up)
– 150 words max. in PORTUGUESE
– needs a TITLE
Leave a comment with 3 phrases (or a few words) you heard in the film:
1. A phrase that you heard that is useful in daily conversation.
2. A phrase that you think represents a theme from the movie.
3. A phrase you did not understand that you would like to know — or describe a scene that struck you as important but did not know what they were saying.
I hope you can enjoy these events!
1. Live music at Drom (East Village / Alphabet City) — note this is a ticketed event, not free
2. Virtual event through Harvard University — register here for link
3. Women’s Day event at Brazilian Consulate (Midtown) — RSVP here
4. Live music at Hunter College (CUNY) — check out our friends at Hunter!