
Projeto de primeiro tempo (Midterm)

  1. Make sure you have created a Kanopy account. You must access through the BMCC Library. For instructions on how to set up your Kanopy account, watch the step-by-step video below.
  2. Watch Orfeu negro on Kanopy: Black Orpheus complete . Please note, watching this film is REQUIRED, regardless of what option you choose for the Midterm Project.

Midterm Project Options

Option 1: Orfeu a próxima geração (group project)
  1. With your group, create your own version of Orfeu negro in New York City. What elements will you keep, and what will you change? See the slides below for explanation.
  2. Record the video in a Zoom session with a slide show/screen share for images.
    Send me the video via WeTransfer, WhatsApp, or YouTube link.
Option 2: Uma história do Orfeu

Write a short story of 150 words max based on the movie Orfeu Negro. You can narrate a scene from the movie or write a version of Orfeu in NYC. Only use the present tense!

Submit your story to me and to the MLD microstory contest (see flyer below).

Option 3: Multicultural legacies in NYC

Submit a proposal to speak at the MLD Student Symposium in April ! Your paper should discuss an example of Lusophone and/or Portuguese language and culture in NYC. It can be about food, music, dance, festivals… anywhere you see Lusophone culture in NYC.

You can speak in English, but you must be able to present your paper IN PERSON at the symposium on April 17th. See flyer below for more info.