Cognados e cidades capitais

What are 10 cognates between Portuguese and another language that you speak?

Also, look up the meaning and origin of the name of a capital city from a Portuguese-speaking nation (Bissau, Brasília, Dili, Lisboa, Luanda, Maputo, Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Praia, São Tomé)

14 Replies to “Cognados e cidades capitais”

  1. Portuguese- familia
    Dutch- familie

    Portuguese região
    Dutch – regio

    Portuguese- peixe
    Italian – pesce

    Portuguese – amigo
    Italian – amico

    Portuguese – Fácil
    French – Facile

    Portuguese- o bar
    French- le bar

    Portuguese- La musique
    French – a musica

    Portuguese – senhora
    Spanish- señora

    Portuguese- roxo
    Spanish- rojo

    Portuguese – Ferias
    German- Ferien

    Portuguese- Tchau
    German Tschüss

    1. There isn’t a definite meaning for “Bissau” except for the native people, the Papel and what they believe it to mean. Bissau is the capital and largest city in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. It’ derived from the clan N’nssassun, in an extended form it’s spelt Bossassun. Bossassu was the name of King Mecau’s nephew, the first sovereign of the Islands Of Bissau. He then formed the clan of the Papel people.

    2. Portuguese- Familia
      Spanish- Familia

      English- Tractor

      Portuguese- Atriz
      Italian- Attrice

      Portuguese- Mesa
      Filipino- Mesa

      Portuguese- lampada
      French- lampe

      Portuguese- neve
      French- Neige

      Portuguese- parque
      Italian- parco

      Portuguese- Cabelo
      Italian- Capelli

      Portuguese- Carnaval
      Spanish- Carnavele

      Portuguese- arvore

  2. Ten cognates between Portuguese and English:

    Portuguese: Familia
    English: Family

    Portuguese: Oi
    English: Hi (both two letters)

    Portuguese: animal
    English: animal

    Portugese: Natural
    English: Natural

    Portugese: zero
    English: zero

    Portugese: cinema
    English: cinema

    Portugese: realmente
    English: really

    Portugese: inocente
    English: innocent

    Portugese: positivo
    English: positive

    Sao Tome is the is the capital of Sao tome and Principe. It is a central african island. It is named after Saint Thomas, who is said to have “discovered” the island. Principe is referring the Prince of Portugal.

  3. Portuguese:Falamos

    Spanish: Chao


    Portuguese: Garfo
    Spanish: Tenedor



    Portuguese: Noite

    Portuguese: Cerveja
    English: Beer

    Portuguese: Chocolate

    Portuguese: Leite

    Maputo, is the largest city in the Republic of Mozambique. The town’s name was changed from “Delagoa Bay” to “Lourenco Marques” in honor of a 16th century Portuguese trader. Mozambique received its independence in 1974, With the independence the country renamed its capital “Maputo,” in honor of a local chief;The name comes from the Maputo River.

  4. Portuguese: Dinheiro
    Spanish: Dinero

    Portuguese: Bom Dia
    Spanish: Buenos Dias

    Portuguese: Livro
    Spanish: Libro

    Portuguese: Futebol
    Spanish: Futbol

    Portuguese: Jogar
    Spanish: Jugar

    Portuguese: Porta
    Spanish: Puerta

    Portuguese: Noite
    Spanish: Noche

    Portuguese: Cerveja
    Spanish: Cerveza

    Portuguese: Vento
    Spanish: Viento

    Portuguese: Obrigado
    Spanish: Gracias

    Legend has it that Lisboa was founded by Ulysses. The name comes from “Olissipo”, which has its origins in the Phoenician words “Allis Ubbo”, meaning “port of enchantment”.

  5. Cognates in Portuguese and Spanish:

    1. Portuguese: Não
    Spanish: No

    2. Portuguese: Amor
    Spanish: Amor

    3. Portuguese: Pai
    Spanish: Papa

    4. Portuguese: Coração
    Spanish: Corazon

    5. Portuguese: Água
    Spanish: Agua

    6. Portuguese: Tatuagem
    Spanish: Tatuaje

    7. Portuguese: Muito
    Spanish: Mucho

    8. Portuguese: Abraço
    Spanish: Abrazo

    9. Portuguese: Escola
    Spanish: Escuela

    10. Portuguese: Televisão
    Spanish: Television

    Brasília is the capital of Brazil. The construction of this city began in 1956, following Juscelino Kubitschek’s election, and was finished in 1960. The city was relocated from Rio de Janeiro in 1960 to bring the Brazilian people together and free up the country’s center lands for economic growth. Brasília is predominantly a female name of Spanish origin that means ‘from Brazil.’

  6. Obrigado – Arigato (Japanese, “thank you”)
    Peixe – Pesce (Italian, “fish”)
    Lua – Luna (Italian, “moon”)
    Mão – Mano (Spanish, “hand”)
    Caro – Caro (Spanish, “expensive”)
    Amigo – Amico (Italian, “friend”)
    Telefone – Telephone( English, “telephone”)
    Cruz -Kurusu (Japanese, “cross”)
    Coração – Corazon (Spanish, “heart”)
    Ouro – Oro (Italian, “gold”)

    The first capital of Brazil was Salvador. Rio de Janeiro was the capital from 1763 until 1960. Since 1960 the capital of Brazil is Brasília. Brasília was built to be the new capital, in hopes that moving the capital to the interior of the country would encourage people to move to the area as it was sparsely populated. Brasília has the third largest population of the Brazilian cities.

  7. Portuguese – Feio / Ugly
    Spanish – Feo

    Portuguese – Escuro / Dark
    Spanish – Oscuro

    Portuguese – Guerra / War
    Italian – Guerra

    Portuguese – Amigo / Friend
    Italian – Amico

    Portuguese – Sofa / Sofa
    Arabic – Al-Suffat

    Portuguese – Álcool / Alcohol
    Arabic – Al-Kuhul

    Portuguese – Camarão / Shrimp
    Mauritian Creole – Kamaron

    Portuguese – Camaleão / Chameleon
    Mauritian Creole – Kamaleyon

    Portuguese – Cinema / Movies
    English – Cinema

    Portuguese – Chocolate
    English – Chocolate

    The capital of Portugal is named Lisboa it became the capital in 1255. Portugal is the oldest nation-state in Europe. Founded in 1143. It is the second oldest city in Europe coming behind Athens with its borders being established since the 13th century. The word Portugal derives from the combined Roman-Celtic place name Portus Cale. Portugal moved its capital from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro from 1808 to 1821. This was because of the Napoleonic Wars and the protection of the royal family. The Portuguese Royal family established an exile government in Rio de Janeiro.

  8. English: University/ Portuguese: Universidade

    English: City/ Portuguese: Cidade

    English: Humanity/ Portuguese: Humanidade

    English: Different/ Portuguese: Differente

    English: Resident/ Portuguese: Residente

    English: Excellent/ Portuguese: Excelente

    English: Dentist/ Portuguese: Dentista

    English: Artist/ Portuguese: Artista

    English: Journalist/ Portuguese: Journalista

    English: Generous/ Portuguese: Generoso

    Brasilia means the capital of Brazil. Founded by Juscelino Kubitschek, then president of Brazil, in 1960 to serve as a new nation capital, at that time.

  9. Portuguese: escola
    English: school

    Portuguese: livros

    Portuguese: cachorro

    Portuguese: Frango
    English: Chicken

    Portuguese: Passaro
    English: Bird

    Portuguese: namorada
    English: Girlfriend

    Portuguese: futebol
    English: football

    Portuguese: Faculdades
    English: College

    Portuguese: Preto
    English: black

    Portuguese: retorcer
    English: Retwist

  10. Portuguese: cidade
    Spanish: cuidad

    Portuguese: atenção
    Spanish: atención

    Portuguese: agradável
    Spanish: agradable

    Portuguese: cantam
    Spanish: cantan

    Portuguese: mulher
    Spanish: mujer

    Portuguese: aranha
    Spanish: araña

    Portuguese: senhora
    Spanish: Señora

    Portuguese: desculpe
    Spanish: disculpe

    Portuguese: fogo
    Spanish: fuego

    Portuguese: pequeno
    Spanish: pequeño

    Luanda the capital of Angola was founded by Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais under the name ” São Paulo de Assumpção de Loanda” eventually changing it to Luanda.

  11. portuguese – amigo
    spanish – amigo

    Portuguese – sol
    Spanish – sol

    Portuguese – verdade
    Spanish – verdad

    Portuguese – noite
    Spanish – noche

    Portuguese – feliz
    Spanish – feliz

    Portuguese – animal
    English – animal

    Portuguese – familia
    English – family

    Portuguese – chocolate
    English – chocolate

    portuguese – telefone
    English – telephone

    Portuguese – natural
    English – natural

  12. Cognates between Portuguese and English:
    Universidade – University
    Hospital – Hospital
    Professor – Professor
    Internet – Internet
    Telefone – Telephone
    Hotel – Hotel
    Música – Music
    Natural – Natural
    Animal – Animal
    Popular – Popular

    The capital of Cape Verde is “Praia”. The word “Praia” means “beach” in Portuguese, which is fitting as it is named after the city’s coastal location.

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