Sejam bem-vindxs a PRT105 ! Vamos falar 🙂
This site will house all of our learning materials and your assignments.
Please begin by creating an account on OpenLab, then clicking on the “Course Profile” and the “Request Membership.”
On the “Course Info” tab above you will find drop-down menus with my contact information, the syllabus, and tentative calendar for the semester.
The “Semanas” tab shows the week-by-week topics, materials, and assignments. Please check this tab frequently as I will be constantly updating it.
Please set up your New York Times and Kanopy accounts through the BMCC Library!
Kanopy – Stream Classic Cinema, Indie Film and Top Documentaries
A free textbook for reference, for those who speak Spanish, and which is available through the library:
Aprende y mejora rápidamente tu portugués
For those interested, a book on Angolan Portuguese: