Karen B.

4 posts


WHERE I’M GOING  (Audio) I will be someone who will serve others.  I will be able to bring hope and light to others’ lives.  My home will smell like eucalyptus and have warm lights.  My garden will have Crocus and Russian sage   the shades of purple creating a soft purple bed.   […]

Where I’m Going

I will be someone who will serve others.  I will be able to bring hope and light to others’ lives.  My home will smell like eucalyptus and have warm lights.  My garden will have Crocus and Russian sage   the shades of purple creating a soft purple bed.   My family […]

Hope From the Start

I am from a bleeding nose,  from Shrek and The Fast and The Furious.  I am from a bedroom with my siblings.  I am from the Philodendron,   The bouquet of red and white roses   I am from road trips  and stubbornness,   from Margarita and German   and Daniel.   I am from […]